Saturday 14 July 2018

Ubin Trip 14 July 2018

The 42 of us set off this morning happily.  The sun was out and it appeared to be a great day for an outing.  And this is the first time we have such a big group of neighbours join us too.

When we reach Changi Ferry Terminal, we saw that the whole western skies were grey.  As we board the bum-boat for Ubin, it started raining heavily!

All of us waited a short while at the jetty at Ubin.  Before we knew it, the rain slowed to a drizzle and we started out for Chek Jawa on vans.

Glad that the skies cleared while we were walking at Chek Jawa.


Wild Boar feasting on durian

San Pa Durian

San Pa Durian courtesy of the van driver

Test of durian opening skills

The rain came again when we were making our way back to main land.

A good trip, although many felt was too short.

Will definitely make another trip back to Ubin again!

Thank you, friends for making the trip with us.